Thursday, May 26, 2011


What do you do for a living? That is the question. Its something EVERYONE must have at least once in their lives. My mom is a stay at home mom, but she used to work at Arby's. Then she worked somewhere else and from there, somewhere else.

I recently turned 16. I knew at 16 I was gonna get a job. I just didnt realize how hard it was going to be. Classifieds, Help Wanted, Applications. All these words seem so familiar to me now. There are no jobs in the classifieds I'm intrested in, I havent see any 'help wanted' or 'now hiring' signs that I think I would be able to get. Applications are all over. My hand hurts from filling them all out. Online and paper. I have memorized the address and phone numbers to my school, my references, and my community service info. I always thought filling out an application was easy, but most my answers consist of N/A. I mean, some have a huge part just for your past employment and I dont have any besides some community service. Dont leave any blanks so N/A fills all the blanks. Then questions that I dont understand. I even had me do math and not use a calculator. I suceeded in doing it without one, but dont cash registers do the math for you? c'mon, this is 2011!!

A friend of mine is homeschooled so his availability is much higher than mine. I cant be flexable with my schedule besides in summer. I need to get a job NOW.

Then there's that question on Why do I need a job? Why am I going through with this? I'm 16. I live with my parents and have school to go to and horses to attend to. I got food to eat and a roof over my head. Why do I need a job??? Then reality catches up with me and maybe if I had a job I wouldnt be in debt with my parents. I owe money on grain for my horse that I needed to pay for myself but didnt have the money. If I had a job I wouldnt have to go to my grandmas to make a little cash. I would have money to buy my horse things, myself things, and gas for my car, and I could pay off my car.

Soo...I guess what Im trying to get accross is that I think someone should hire me because if I get a job then I am really hard working and Im sure a lot of others are too.

Thank you for lisening to my job problems :) <3

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